Download 800 music pop quiz hits 60s dances

Ask FunTrivia - Get Answers to Questions. Daily and Hourly Trivia Games. Get Daily Email Trivia. Create a Daily Trivia Tournament. Register New Player - Log In. Music by Year Trivia. Are you still in awe of The Beatles? There are quizzes and 3, Take this hour's trivia quiz: s Music - Mixed Questions. A quiz every hour! Over 3, questions in rotation. Music from 16 quizzes Music from 17 Music from 17 Music from 18 Music from 16 Music from 29 Music from 14 Music from 18 Music from 21 Music from 18 Bubble Gum Music 4 Motown Music People either love it or hate it. At 7 minutes and 21 seconds, there is much to love or hate about it. How much do you know about its composer, its singers, and its lyrics? All songs made it to Number One on the U. Billboard Hot charts during the s. You might need to furnish either the song or the artist. There may be clues to help you along. Mids Lyrics - Count Me In. There is almost no end to the great hits from the mids that your oldies station KFTS just loves to play. Can we "count you in"? All these songs made it to Number One on the U. The Early 60s - Let's Dance. Your "Fun Trivia Songs" station, KFTS has lined up an interesting set of music from to that we hope "revives" great memories. American Pop Music, American artists produced some wonderful top 40 music hits between and Test 800 music pop quiz hits 60s dances knowledge on these songs, and have fun! Random Sixties Music Facts. The s were an era of enormous change, politically, socially and, of course, musically. This quiz explores some random music facts connected to that pivotal time in rock and roll history. Having grown up with a mother who adored everything about the 60s, I 800 music pop quiz hits 60s dances to create a quiz on the music I remember my mother playing when I was a child. I will give you a lyric and you need to match it to the correct artist or song.

s Music Trivia and Quizzes
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